"We call on all people of good conscience to stand in solidarity with the movement to defend the Weelaunee Forest in Atlanta"

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Subject line must include: ZBA Appeal A-23-1246318"I'm a Dekalb/Atlanta resident.
- Intrenchment Creek is the South River's largest tributary. The South River is one of the most endangered rivers nationwide due to pollution from DeKalb County and Atlanta.
- APF and ATL are not meeting the requirements of the legislation in myriad ways. All actions taken on this development are violating the law.
- More sediment breaks FEDERAL LAW!
- DeKalb County and Atlanta are already actively violating Clean Water Act laws with sediment and sewage pollution
- Protecting the Prison Farm deemed "increasingly urgent" by the Atlanta Regional Commission, February 2023
- Intrenchment Creek and the South River are on EPD's 303-d List of Impaired Waterways due to multiple forms of pollution.
- Sediment ALREADY exceeds the Total Max Daily Load (TMDL) under the Clean Water Act.
- "Double silt fencing" has not prevented sediment. Despite relatively minor land disturbance so far, sediment has already increased dramatically from the stream on the Prison Farm, choking the creek and the river.
- Severe disparities span generations and persist throughout the South River watershed resulting in profound inequity. A primary responsibility of the government is to address inequity experienced by citizens. This mandate requires DeKalb and Atlanta to focus protections, efforts and resources on disadvantaged communities in the South River watershed.
- Sediment pollution suffocates/kills aquatic life!

Mayor Andre Dickens
404-330-6100 | [email protected]
"I am an Atlanta/DeKalb resident calling on you to end the Atlanta Police Foundation's lease for Cop City. Our community does not want this project. We need our forest for clean air and flood management, and we do not want Cop City anywhere.The Atlanta forest is vital to our community. Our high percentage of tree canopy ensures Atlanta's resilience in the face of climate change and the wetlands in the forest in South East Atlanta help to filter rainwater and prevent flooding. This forest is home to old growth trees (such as a 300+ year old oak tree, dubbed "the mother tree") and native endangered wildlife. It is also one of the last breeding grounds for many amphibians in the region as well as an important migration site for wading birds. No amount of "re-planting" will be able to bring back extinct species and the biodiversity of the original forest with old growth."The APD is openly violating DeKalb County Code of Ordinances, Chapter 27, Section 7.5.2(D) & Appendix B, Section 1131(f) by continuing destruction of the Weelaunee Forest despite an appeal being filed and pending for the Dekalb Zoning Board of Appeals for the land disturbance permit on Residential 75 (R75) zoned property."

Demand Scarbrough & Co drop their contract with APF
Call 770-461-8603
"I am calling on Scarbrough & Co to end their contract with the Atlanta Police Foundation for their Cop City project. The surrounding community does not want Weelaunee Forest to be destroyed. We need this watershed forest for clean air and flood management. We demand your company stop profiting off this harm. Please let your supervisors know that we will not stop fighting this project until it is cancelled."

How else can I support?

- Educate others and spread the word about what's happening in Weelaunee in your community (by word, social media, printing flyers, etc.)
- Make a statement of solidarity with the forest defenders with your workplace, school, etc.
- Encourage your community to pressure Mayor Dickens to cancel APF's lease & DeKalb County officials protect Weelaunee Forest
- There are many forms of action and advocacy to be taken. This is a broad, decentralized, autonomous movement. Get involved in ways that move you. Take a walk in the forest with your friends.


The Atlanta forest is vital to our community. Our high percentage of tree canopy ensures Atlanta's resilience in the face of climate change and the wetlands in the forest in South East Atlanta help to filter rainwater and prevent flooding. This forest is home to old growth trees (such as a 300+ year old oak tree, dubbed "the mother tree") and native endangered wildlife. It is also one of the last breeding grounds for many amphibians in the region as well as an important migration site for wading birds.The Atlanta Police Department and Ryan Millsap of Shadowbox Studios plan to pave over Atlanta's largest remaining green space. The APD seeks to turn 300 acres of forest into a tactical training compound featuring a mock city. "The APD is openly violating DeKalb County Code of Ordinances, Chapter 27, Section 7.5.2(D) & Appendix B, Section 1131(f) by continuing destruction of the Weelaunee Forest despite an appeal being filed and pending for the Dekalb Zoning Board of Appeals for the land disturbance permit on Residential 75 (R75) zoned property."

If there are any links or information you would like to be added to this page, please dm @jenquanzen on Instagram.